Blog Real Food Foundation

Food Revolution Day 2015

I’ve had the privilege to be part of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution for a few years now and this year is sure to become the best Food Revolution Day ever! We are creating a wave of real food awareness on the island together with my fellow Curacao ambassador Helmi Smeulders.

Helmi & I : The Curacao ambassadors
Helmi & I : The Curacao ambassadors

This year we will celebrate Food Revolution Day in Parke Tropical, the local zoo.

We will invite school kids from all walks of life to join us at the 8 different cooking stations and teach them some basic cooking skills, how we can create delicious meals with some basic ingredients and how cooking brings people together. We’ll be cooking up a storm making banana pancakes, whizzing up smoothies and making our own lemonade and soup.

The obesity rate, and scary enough the underweight rate, is very high in Curacao, but so is the amount of people living in poverty. Together we stand up for real food, for food education programmes in schools and around the homes.
As an ambassador for Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution we do this all the time, and May 15th marks a day when all the 2000+ ambassadors world-wide will join forces to make a difference in the bad consumption cultures some of us are stuck in. Real food doesn’t have to be expensive and cooking your own meals doesn’t have to be time consuming.

All our efforts as an ambassador are on a voluntary basis and the success of the Food Revolution Day relies solely on donations. Should you or your organisation be interested in supporting this great cause, please download the sponsor leaflet: FRD2015_Sponsor mogelijkheden

If you’re not in a position to support this cause financially, please sign and share Jamie’s petition in order to bring back food education in the school curriculum!

On behalf of Jamie Oliver, Helmi, all the other Food Revolution Ambassadors and myself: Thanks a Mil!

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