Curry Recipes

Naan bread

This recipe is inspired from a book (Curry leaves and Cumin seeds by Jeeti Gandhi) we were given for our birthday by some dear friends.Homemade naan bread

What you’ll need:
– 3 mixing bowls
(makes 8 individual sized breads)

– ½ packet dried instant yeast (packet @7grams)
– 4 Tablepoons warm water
– 2 teaspoon sugar
– 160 ml milk, room temperature
– 190 ml low fat yoghurt
– 1 egg, beaten
– 2 Tablespoons melted unsalted butter
– 540 grams plain flour
– 1 teaspoon baking powder
– 1 teaspoon salt
– 2 Tablespoons oil

Combine the yeast, warm water and sugar in a small bowl. Let it stand until it reacts with each other, about 3 – 4 minutes.

In the mean time, mix the yoghurt, milk, melted butter and beaten egg together in another bowl.

Fill the last bowl with the dry ingredients, flour, baking powder and salt. Make a well in the middle and add the liquid ingredients (yoghurt and milk mixture and the yeast mixture).
I find it the easiest to combine the ingredients with a fork, like you do when making fresh pasta, work from the middle slowly to the edges of the bowl.
Once all absorbed, knead it until smooth dough. Cover the bowl with cling wrap and leave to rest for about an hour, or until it has doubled in size.

Preheat the oven to 200degrees Celsius.

Divide the dough into 6 – 8 equal balls. Take one at a time, keeping the others covered in cling wrap. At this stage you can also freeze the dough balls you don’t need at the moment, the dough keeps for about 1 – 2 months in the freezer.

Flour the surface lightly and take the dough, shape it with your fingertips and roll it flat with the rolling pin. To create the traditional tear shaped naan, pull one edge of the dough . The breads should be about 25 cm long.

Before popping the naan in the oven, brush lightly with melted butter or oil. If you like you can sprinkle some poppy seeds on the naan.

Pop in the oven for about 10 minutes or until golden. Enjoy warm, if you’re making a whole batch, you can keep the warm by wrapping them in a tea towel or napkins before serving.

One reply on “Naan bread”

[…] fresh coriander over the vegetable curry just before serving. Serve with basmati rice, or roti, or naan bread to soak up all the sauce. A wholesome recipe for some vegetarian comfort food […]

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