This weekend marked the first Caribbean Spice Girl’s Farmers Market on Curacao; a place where locals display their local produce.

What a great initiative and a great way to get people to know and taste the local produce.
I had a chat with the lovely couple of Hofi Cas Cora, they’ve been working hard on a vegetable garden and are planning to open their restaurant next month. The restaurant will make use of the veggies in their garden, how great is that!?
Even farmer Blaize was there, showing off his sweet potatoes, string beans and blazin’ hot Madame Jeanette chillies. He says he prefers to supply the local population, he’s not really interested in going wholesale. You can visit him on his farm at Ronde Klip, at Plantage Mandinga.

Nos Kunuku had some interesting produce; locally grown micro greens great to spice up a salad. They’ve just started growing and harvesting wheatgrass, an ordinary looking grass with many health benefits like lowering blood press and blood cleansing properties.
I also had a chat with the guys and gals from Max & Bee Juicery, they were almost all sold out when we got there, but they still had some very intriguing tasting hibiscus marmelade… A unique taste, not too sweet not too bitter, just right.

Spice Girl, Helmi Smeulders, was runnig around between tables, the kitchen and plenty of people wanting to say hi. We had a quick chat and agreed that we would chat soon to make some plans.
At the other stalls they cleaned and sold fresh lion fish, fresh mula and some lovely wines from all over the world and of course our very own Curacao Winery. It’s great to see how it all comes together, I’m looking forward to the next market!