A simple recipe for the great outdoors, or your own backyard!

What you’ll need for 6 stick breads:
– 500 grams plain flour
– 2 teaspoon salt
– 7 grams (1 ½ teaspoon, 1 sachet) instant yeast
– 4 teaspoon (brown) sugar
– about 350 ml lukewarm water
– 6 long sticks
Combine the flour, slat, yeast, sugar and water; kneed until a soft dough (like a baby’s bottom). Leave to prove for about 45 minutes, or until doubled in size.
In the mean time you can start making your fire, and soaking you sticks in a bucket with water. This is so that the sticks won’t catch alight so easily.
When the dough has doubled in size, you can take it out of the bowl and divide it into 6 balls. Wrap the dough over the stick and hold it over the fire, not too close or it will burn. Make sure you keep turning your rolls to ensure that they cook evenly. Once they have browned evenly and sound ‘hollow’, they should be cooked.
You should be able to slide the rolls from the sticks.
Eat ‘em while they’re hot, spread some (salted) butter or Nutella.