Anxiety in Kids

talk to your child about their thoughts, feels, and worries

All stages of life bring inevitable change which can create a fair burst of anxiety to anyone, in the growing-up stages many of these worries are normal.
Young children can have separation anxiety, where they may become clingy and cry when separated from their parents or caregivers. This is a normal stage at that age (6 months – 3 years).
Pre-schoolers can develop specific fears, like animals, insects, storms, darkness, these fears usually go away gradually on their own.
In older kids you might notice that they start to lack confidence, finding it hard to concentrate, have angry outbursts, have problems sleeping and/or eating.
Teenagers are more likely to deal with social anxiety, avoiding social gatherings and making excuses.

Anxiety in Kids is more common than we sometimes would like to admit. It’s hard to see that little person struggle with big emotions or negative feels. Just like adults, kids and young adults too can feel worried and anxious from time to time.

Anxiety in Kids

Some children are more likely to have worries and anxiety than others, even within the same family. If any child is experiencing anxiety, it is important to talk to your child about their thoughts, feels, and worries. Reassure them and show that you understand how they feel. With this reassurance you can work on finding solutions to calm down and find a solution to their thoughts, feels and worries. Depending on the age, you can talk about what anxiety is and the physical effects it has on our bodies.

Some of the ways to ease anxiety in children is to teach your child to recognise signs of anxiety in themselves, encourage the child to manage their anxiety with tools and techniques, and ask for help when they need it.

Change is often the culprit in children coping with anxiety. Moving house, changing schools, distressing or even traumatic experiences can lead to growing insecurity and anxiety.

Although there are many tools and techniques for parents and kids to assist in easing anxiety, it’s not easy to find the ‘right one’.
The exercises in the Dream Catcher workbook (Free copy available) will lay the foundation for the 5 online coaching sessions, together with the additional materials all this will assist you in the mindset transformation.

In just 5 sessions we will teach you techniques, hand you tools and tricks to help your child (and you) to transform your self-confidence.

Dream Catcher - free copy

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